



Updated on 07/30/2012


  1. Contributed talk: P.Nikolic, Charge and spin fractionalization in strongly correlated topological insulators, APS March Meeting, Boston
  2. Invited talk: I.Satija, Dark and Bright Solitons in Strongly Repulsive BEC, International Conference in Non-linear Systems, Puebla, Mexico
  3. Invited talk: I.Satija, Topological Insulators in ultracold setting, University of Massachusetts


  1. Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Charge and spin fractionalization in strongly correlated topological insulators, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Johns Hopkins University
  2. Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Theory of correlated superconductors: s- vs. d-wave, Colloquium of the Computational Materials Science Center, George Mason University
  3. Contributed talk: P.Nikolic, Unitarity in periodic potentials and correlated s-wave Cooper pair insulators, APS March Meeting, Dallas
  4. Invited talk: I.Satija, Topological Insulators in ultracold setting, New Delhi, India
  5. Invited talk: I.Satija, Bunching-Antibunching of Quantum Particles: From Astronomy to AMO, George Mason University
  6. Invited talk: I.Satija, Chern Numbers Hiding in Time of Flight Images, JILA
  7. Invited talk: I.Satija, Dark and Bright Solitons in Strongly Repulsive BEC, University of Colorado
  8. Invited talk: I.Satija, Quantum Phase Transitions, Entanglement and Quantum Noise Interferometry in Ultracold Atoms, University of Ljubljana
  9. Invited talk: I.Satija, Chern Numbers Hiding in Momentum Distribution, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
  10. Contributed talk: M.W. Malone, K.L.Sauer, Homonuclear dipolar coupling and CPMG spin-echoes in NQR, Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Detection of Explosives and Illicit Substances, Istanbul, Turkey
  11. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Alternative sources of magnetization, Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar, George Mason University


  1. Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Theory of correlated superconductors: s- vs. d-wave, Institute for Quantum Matter (Advisory Committee event), Johns Hopkins University
  2. Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Unitarity in periodic potentials and Cooper pair insulators, Nordita workshop “Quantum solids, liquids, and gases” (Stockholm, Sweden)
  3. Invited talk: I.Satija, Fun with Solitons, NIST
  4. Invited talk: I.Satija, Dark and Bright Solitons in Strongly Repulsive BEC, UMD
  5. Invited talk: I.Satija, Engineering Time-Reversal Topological Insulators with Ultracold Atoms, NIST
  6. Invited talk: I.Satija, Dark and Bright Solitons in strongly interacting BEC, Puebla, Mexico
  7. Invited talk: I.Satija, Time-Reversal Topological Insulators with Ultracold Atoms, International conference on cold atoms, Sankarpur, Kolkata, India
  8. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Exploiting alternative sources of magnetization, Colloquium, Amherst College
  9. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Ultra-sensitive atomic magnetometry and NMR echo trains, Colloquium, University of William and Mary


  1. Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Strongly correlated Cooper pair insulators and superfluids, Condensed Matter Theory Center seminar, University of Maryland
  2. Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Superconductivity in strongly coupled multi-band systems, Institute for Quantum Matter seminar, Johns Hopkins University
  3. Contributed talk: P.Nikolic, Pairing Instability in 2D Rotating Fermion Liquids Near Unitarity, APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh
  4. Contributed talk: P.Nikolic, Two-dimensional FFLO vortex lattices and vortex liquids, APS DAMOP Meeting, Charlottesville
  5. Invited talk: I.Satija, Particle-hole asymmety and Brightening of Solitons in strongly interacting BEC, NIST
  6. Invited talk: I.Satija, BEC Mixture in a double well: Two species that may or may not get along, International conference in nonlinear systems, Puebla, Mexico
  7. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Ultra-sensitive atomic magnetometry and NMR echo trains, Colloquium, Kansas State University
  8. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Bringing NQR echoes into focus, Colloquium, Princeton University
  9. Contributed talk: O.Alem, M.V. Romalis, K.L.Sauer, Spin-damping in an RF atomic magnetometer, APS DAMOP Meeting, Charlottesville


  1. Invited talk: I.Satija, Controlling the Quantum World, SIES college, Mumbai, India
  2. Invited talk: I.Satija, Bunching-Antibunching of Quantum Particles, Bombay University, Mumbai, India
  3. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, The many faces of double resonance: from nuclear cross relaxation to RF magnetometery in explosives detection, EUROMAR Magnetic Resonance Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia


  1. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, S-K Lee, S.Seltzer, M.V.Romalis, and O.Alem, Detecting explosives with an NQR-integrated magnetometer, Gordon Research Conference on Detecting Illicit Substances: Explosives and Drugs, Big Sky
  2. Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Detection of explosives using nuclear quadrupole resonance, APS Mid-Atlantic Senior Physicist Group, American Center for Physics, Maryland