Updated on 07/30/2012
Contributed talk: P.Nikolic, Charge and spin fractionalization in strongly correlated topological insulators, APS March Meeting, Boston
Invited talk: I.Satija, Dark and Bright Solitons in Strongly Repulsive BEC, International Conference in Non-linear Systems, Puebla, Mexico
Invited talk: I.Satija, Topological Insulators in ultracold setting, University of Massachusetts
Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Charge and spin fractionalization in strongly correlated topological insulators, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Johns Hopkins University
Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Theory of correlated superconductors: s- vs. d-wave, Colloquium of the Computational Materials Science Center, George Mason University
Contributed talk: P.Nikolic, Unitarity in periodic potentials and correlated s-wave Cooper pair insulators, APS March Meeting, Dallas
Invited talk: I.Satija, Topological Insulators in ultracold setting, New Delhi, India
Invited talk: I.Satija, Bunching-Antibunching of Quantum Particles: From Astronomy to AMO, George Mason University
Invited talk: I.Satija, Chern Numbers Hiding in Time of Flight Images, JILA
Invited talk: I.Satija, Dark and Bright Solitons in Strongly Repulsive BEC, University of Colorado
Invited talk: I.Satija, Quantum Phase Transitions, Entanglement and Quantum Noise Interferometry in Ultracold Atoms, University of Ljubljana
Invited talk: I.Satija, Chern Numbers Hiding in Momentum Distribution, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India
Contributed talk: M.W. Malone, K.L.Sauer, Homonuclear dipolar coupling and CPMG spin-echoes in NQR, Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Detection of Explosives and Illicit Substances, Istanbul, Turkey
Invited talk: K.L.Sauer, Alternative sources of magnetization, Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar, George Mason University
Invited talk: P.Nikolic, Theory of correlated superconductors: s- vs. d-wave, Institute for Quantum Matter (Advisory Committee event), …
This is a general method for measuring the precision and disturbance of any system. The system is weakly measured before the measurement apparatus and then strongly measured afterwords. Credit: Lee Rozema, University of Toronto Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, formulated by the theoretical physicist in 1927, is one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics. In its most familiar form, it says that it is impossible to measure anything without disturbing it. For instance, any attempt to measure a particle’s position must randomly change its speed.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2012-09-scientists-renowned-uncertainty-principle.html#jCp
Phys.org September 12, 2012 by Lisa Zyga
Experimental set-up showing the injection of a polariton fluid and the formation of half-solitons, which act like magnetic monopoles. Image credit: R. Hivet, et al. ©2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited (Phys.org)—No one has ever definitively observed a magnetic monopole, the hypothetical fundamental particle that has only a north or south magnetic pole, but not both like normal magnets do. However, scientists have observed a few types of monopole analogues – objects sometimes described as “quasiparticles” that behave like magnetic monopoles but don’t meet all the requirements to be one – such as excitations in spin-ice crystals and in one-dimensional magnetic nanowires. Now in a new study, scientists have observed a new type of monopole analogue in the form of tiny defects that arise in quantum states of matter called Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). The discovery could help scientists better understand the fundamental nature of magnetism and may also lead to novel devices such as magnetronic circuits.
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2012-09-point-like-defects-quantum-fluid-magnetic.html#jCp
Low-Dimensional Magnetic Systems
Guest Editors: Roberto Zivieri, Giancarlo Consolo, Eduardo Martinez, and Johan Åkerman
Tailoring Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures
Guest Editors: Emilia Annese, Rosa Lukaszew, Ivana Vobornik, and Kazuyuki Sakamoto
Multiferroic Magnetoelectric Composites and Their Applications
Guest Editors: Mirza Bichurin, Vladimir Petrov, Shashank Priya, and Amar Bhalla
Coherent States in Double Quantum Well Systems
Guest Editors: Yogesh Joglekar, Melinda Kellogg, Milica Milovanovic, and Emanuel Tutuc
Phonons and Electron Correlations in High-Temperature and Other Novel Superconductors
Guest Editors: Alexandre Sasha Alexandrov, Carlo Di Castro, Igor Mazin, and Dragan Mihailovic
Director: Indubala Satija
Faculty: Yuri Mishin Phil Rubin Karen Sauer Ming Tian Predrag Nikolic Erhai Zhao Krishnamurthy Vemuru
The Center for Quantum Science at George Mason University gathers researhers from the School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences whose interests span condensed matter, atomic, molecular and optical physics. The main purpose of the Center is to stimulate the research productivity, interaction and collaboration among its members, create a collective mentoring environment for young researchers, and popularize its research areas to students and the public.
Research at the Center is funded by the National Science Foundation, Office of Navy Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Energy, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Specific research areas include (but are not limited to):
condensed matter physics
superconductivity, quantum magnetism, topological insulators
quantum phase transitions and critical points
quantum field theory of interacting electrons
atomistic modeling and simulation of materials
atomic, molecular and optical physics
ultra-cold atoms, superfluidity, unitarity
optical lattices, quantum simulation, artificial gauge fields
magnetic resonance for materials characterization or for substance detection
quantum magnetometers
laser atomic spectroscopy, nonlinear and quantum optics
inter-disciplinary and applied physics
rare-earth based solid state quantum memory and quantum computation
quantum transport in spintronic and nano-electronic devices
non-linear dynamics
( v) Condensed matter physics
(v) Atomic, molecular and optical physics
(v) Materials science
(v) High Energy Physics
Condensed matter physics is a major fundamental branch of physics that studies the collective quantum dynamics of strongly interacting particles. Unlike high-energy physics, which focuses on elementary particles and forces as the fundamental building blocks of nature, condensed matter physics views the emergent phenomena arising from correlations and entanglement among many particles as the fundamental ones. Quantum field theory, on which both branches of physics rely, makes no distinction between these fundamental views. Examples of condensed matter researched at CQS are solid-state crystals, superfluids and superconductors, magnets, topological insulators, and ultra-cold gases of trapped atoms.
CQS theorists I.Satija, E.Zhao and P.Nikolic share a common interest in topological insulators. I.Satijahas been working on integer quantum Hall states in lattice potentials, with U(1) and SU(2) gauge symmetry groups, often placed in the context of ultra-cold atoms. Her collaborative work, which included the world-leading experimentalist Ian Spielman of NIST, E.Zhao, P.Nikolic and international collaborators, has resulted with the first proposals to experimentally measure Chern numbers in cold atom band-insulators, and create fermionic time-reversal-invariant topological insulators using cold atoms. She also explores novel topological quantum states that are …
A classical system can have multiple degrees of freedom whose properties can be measured independently and simultaneously with arbitray accuracy (limited only by the measuring device). However, quantum mechanics allows matter to exist in a “superposition” of different classical states. A quantum system in a “superposition” state will generally have properties whose measurements have random outcomes with predictable probabilities. Then, measuring different properties of the classical states that participate in the quantum superposition yields random, but correlated measurement outcomes. Such correlations are known as quantum entanglement.
A rather remarkable form of entanglement is that between a macroscopically large number of particles. The only forms of macroscopically entangled quantum matter that we have found so far in nature are superconductors and fractional quantum Hall states. The entanglement in superconductors is saddle and properly understood only when quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic gauge field are taken into account (it is often ignored in literature). Apart from quantum Hall states, many other examples of entangled matter have been theoretically envisioned. The most notable example are spin liquids in quantum magnets, perhaps indirectly seen in a few experiments.
Quantum Hall states are topological insulators without time-reversal symmetry. When …
Magnetic Nanostructures Photo from Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics
Thursday at 3:00 pm in Research Hall room 163
Vemuru abstract: Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanostructures is an important aspect of research in nanoscience. In order to improve the characteristics of nanomaterials based devices, it is important to understand the structure property relation as well as the mechanism of the magnetic ordering. In this talk, I will introduce magnetic nanostructured materials with applications in high density magnetic data storage. Some of these are rodlike metallic iron and g-Fe2O3 nanoparticles, PZT thin films with Co nanostructures, FeRhPd/Co thin films, core-shell structured FePt, FePtCu, and FePtAu nanoparticles. I will present the details of the nanostructural characterization using small angle neutron scattering, and the element specific magnetic moment determination using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy.
Fall 2012 Semester
PHYS243: College Physics I (002) MWF: 11:30 am to 12:20 pm
PHYS243: College Physics I (001) MWF: 3:30 to 4:20 pm
PHYS385: Materials Science with Applications for Renewable Energy: R 4:30 to 7:10 pm
PHYS260: University Physics II Recitation: T: 4:30 to 5:20 pm
PHYS246: College Physics II Lab: M: 4:30 to 7:15 pm
Office Hours:
Monday, Thursday: 1:30 to 2:45 pm or by appointment.
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